More Info
This information is provided by Simplisoft LLC
Simplisoft LLC is a leading internet and technology development firm.
We have an array of products and websites and an ever-growing library of content and unique solutions for our customers. Here is a brief listing of products and briefings:

DRIP Wizard Since Jan 2000, we have been selling DRIP Wizard software to individual investors. The product offers full analysis and accounting for individual DRIP investors. Currently, we are re-releasing a brand new version of the product and rolling out a new version of the website. Expect more in Dec. 2016!

iPhone Headphone Connector simply reviews Apple's new decision to remove the headphone jack from iPhone 7's and above. A brief informative summary of the decision and Apple customer choices.

Apple Headphone Connector Again, this is a brief informative site that reviews Apple's decision to remove the headphone jack from Apple's iPhones. Short, but informative.

DRIP Database The site you are on now. DRIPDatabase.com contains a comprehensive list of companies that offer Dividend ReInvestment Plans. For each plan offered, details of fees, purchase dates, and much more are listed.
And more content coming! We are here to help the individual investor with their daily challenges. We are also a content and customer driven content company. To learn more, visit the upcoming SimplisoftLLC.com site. Coming Soon!