International DPPs
With international investments frequently outperforming
US-based investments, international securities are becoming increasingly popular
and important for today's forward-thinking investor. DripDatabase.com provides
an up-to-date reference of international Direct Purchase Plans (DPPs). Most of these
plans allow US investors to purchase ADRs (American Depository Receipts) of foreign-based
firms. The ADRs are purchased through the plan, in US dollars, and each represent a share of the foreign stock. You
can get started in any of these plans by simply making a small initial purchase
of shares (typically $250). Once you are enrolled, dividend payments will
be automatically applied to purchase additional shares. You will also be able
to optionally purchase additional shares in increments of between typically $50
and $10,000 monthly. Statements will be sent to you, showing your purchases
and holdings. Many plans also offer online account access.
Below is an organized list (by region and by country) of current DPP offerings.
Check back frequently for additions and changes. Click on the region to see
the actual listing of companies. Click on each company to see specifics for
that offering.